As modern individuals we awaken to our Ancestral Gods and traditional folkways. We have a unique responsibility that falls on our shoulders. It is our duty to unify and solidify the roots of our people to ensure the future is one of strength and prosperity. We must pull together our tribes and unite as a single oak, growing into a new age and standing firm in our convictions. As we emerge into this modern era we will embrace who we are as a people, while encouraging the individual to push themselves to excel and seize victory!

The Raven Banner Has Risen

About us

Raven Folk United is a confederation of Asatru individuals and kindreds uniting to honor our Gods, Ancestors and Nature; following the Aesirian Code of 9.

Our goals are to give our folk an Asatru community where we fully embrace our spirituality and tribalism, cohere to the natural world and work together to create a healthy and productive people, carving out a future with traditional values where no one Man has authority over another’s spiritual journey, yet you are encouraged to seek knowledge, lean on, build up and grow stronger within the innungard of your folk . If you seek community and a deeper connection, we encourage you to join us around the fire.

The Aesirian Code of Nine


Honor oneself with truth and fairness. Your word is your bond. Give power to your word by adhering to it. Honor your family and friends with reverence and respect. Honor your love and the way above all else. Honor is the mark of strength and nobility.


Protect with savagery your blood and kin. Let no one or nothing violate your love or the way. Let there always be inequity in defense. Always protect thrice as fiercely as one is attacked. Protection is the mark of the warrior spirit.


Prosperity and growth are key to the survival of the way. Such is the mark of intelligence.


Knowledge is power. Seek ever to expand the mind. Never stagnate, for knowledge is a gift from God.


Adapting and changing are important for growth and survival. That which cannot adapt or change is doomed to perish. Change is the mark of insight.


Pay all of your debts and pull your own weight. Always hear and consider all sides. Treat all others with equity and fairness. Expect the same from them.


Remember the law of balance; all that which you do or wish for, good or ill, shall return to you one day. Strive for good.


Never lose control to your anger or be baited by the hostility of another. Never strike a woman unless your very life hangs in the balance. Never violate the weak or the innocent. Never tolerate those who do. Control is the mark of a disciplined mind, a sign of the greatest of warriors.


Those who follow the way of the warrior must know the art of combat, weapons and vengeance. War is an accepted part of the path. Always be prepared for hostility against you. It is a destiny woven into the very fiber of our people. Keep your body, mind , and training up at all times. Have no remorse when you must be savage during a conflict. Win, prevail, and survive.

Raven Folk Laws

  • Raven Folk United is a collective of individuals and kindreds who adhere to the spiritual practices and traditions of our ancestors. Our code of ethics is the Aesirian Code of Nine and our Gods are that of the Aesir!

  • You must be of ethnic European ancestry. We are a unique people and have a strong urge to preserve our traditions and spirituality in its native form. We encourage all tribes of the world to do the same.

  • Raven Folk United requires basic morality and will have a zero tolerance for sexual degeneracy, harm of a woman or children in any aspect, miscegenation and infidelity. Substance abuse to excess of any kind, as well as the use of hard drugs all together are banned. They are both a danger to our Folk and to the future.

  • Raven Folk United will have a Hildingr who oversees a predominantly self-sustaining council of chosen representatives from all oathed kindreds. Individuals must be attached and invested in a pledged kindred in order to serve on the Raven Folk council. We are a people of many tribes, though we will always welcome the single individual. We encourage tribalism as we are our ancestors and are restructuring our native and natural state of being.

  • The Raven Folk is a single united people. We are banded together, united as our own Nation Folk. While we encourage all kindreds to be free to govern themselves both spiritually and in civil matters as a community, we must all adhere to the Raven Law.

  • In Ritual, we Honor any and all of our ethnic ancestral Gods and spirits while never hailing or inviting those of negative or chaotic energies into our circle. We aim to build true bonds of reciprocity with our sacred Gods and will always approach Ritual with respect and due honor that is warranted for our Gods!

  • Impartial Ethics: Perceived rank matters far less to a man who holds the hearts of his men then it does to a man who holds himself above his men. Thus, let no man be beyond reproach or disciplinary action if his words or deeds are deserving. No individual or kindred is beyond reproach for their deeds and accountability, this is not optional for our Folk. At our yearly Althing all unresolved civil matters will face a tribunal. All parties involved have the right to face each other, and agree to the resolution decided by the council. In extreme cases that are beyond the normal realm of our folk and our morality, if there is proof that supports the claim, then no trial will be given and immediate judgment will be made.

  • Unblemished Integrity: "Alone in the void of the cosmos or within the crowd of a colosseum keep true to your values and never falter in your actions. For you will always know and the Gods are always watching. Honor your Oaths and friendships without fail. Always maintaining a strong sense of reciprocity with the Folk and the Gods."

  • Tribal loyalty amongst our Folk requires participants of Raven Folk United to not be affiliated with, or members of, any organizations that denigrate or dishonor our Folk. We will gladly work with any organization or kindred that has the same values, and encourage the unity of our tribes.