Examining the Aesirian Code: Flourish

By Mike Taylor, Drótinn of the Mannerbund

This is the third article in a series in which I will examine the Aesirian Code of Nine, focusing on a single code per article and with the following disclaimer:

 In contrast to deeper and purely esoteric examinations by members of the gothar class, my series of articles will be from the lay practitioner. Each will contain aspects from the exoteric and esoteric, but will not focus on one or the other. My goal is to provide a ground-eye view of the Aesirian Code of Nine based solely on my own personal experiences, research, and study. As with all articles I write, my examinations are mine and mine alone. I neither seek to impose my perspectives on any of the folk nor dictate any single means of belief, interpretation, or view. I simply mean to share my experiences in the hope they foster conversation, discussion, and further inquiry.


According to the dictionary, the concept of flourishing and the action “to flourish” means a variety of things. First, it means “to grow luxuriantly” – to thrive. Second, it refers to achieving “success” – to prosper. Third, it can even signify making “bold and sweeping gestures” – to brandish. These three elements within the idea of flourishing reflect a multidimensional, layered, complex concept.

 Essentially, to flourish – thrive, prosper, or brandish – one needs to grow or develop in a healthy or vigorous way, and an important ingredient needed for this is a favorable environment. For the folk, this means being of sound body, mind, and spirit, which are developed within a loving and spiritually-principled community. These, then, are the ingredients and the end states we desire as a folk.


For followers of The Way, “to flourish” means so much more:

 Prosperity and growth are the key to the survival of the way. Such is the mark of intelligence.

Short and simple, it captures the various layers of a complex concept, connecting not only key elements – prosperity and growth – but also the purpose – survival – and identification of an important requirement – intelligence. But what does it all mean? Let us break it down into its component parts.

Prosperity and growth are key to the survival of the way. This simplistic phrase contains elements of complexity. How do we prosper and grow? How do we ensure the survival of the way? This seems to suffer from circular reasoning; on the contrary, it points the way. The folk must prosper – personally, professionally, and spiritually. In this way, everyone grows - the individual, family units, communities, bands, clans, tribes, and the nation. Through constant growth, which requires nurturing and pruning at times, the folk increase their potential for survival.

Such is the mark of intelligence. There is much which can be inferred by this short but sharp statement. Does this mean that those who prosper and grow – and, thus, flourish – are intelligence and those who do not, are not? In a sense, yes. Intelligence requires both information (knowledge) and context (understanding). By knowing the requirements that enable one to flourish, one has the information, one is knowledgeable. This alone is not enough, for one must also have the context, the understanding, and this means one must know why. If you put these two together, you have intelligence, which enables one to survive by flourishing through prosperity and growth.

 Yet, there is something missing, wouldn’t you say? We know we need to prosper and grow so that we – and the folk – may survive, for to not do this is to wither and die. But how? Kinsfolk, we do this through hard work…and smart work. By working to bring prosperity to the home, family, and community, we find that we are better equipped to nurture and protect them. This also ensures continuity at a very basic level. And that continuity spreads throughout the community and – eventually – ties the folk nation together. And this is the key.

 To flourish is to prosper and grow. This ensures the survival of the folk and the Way, so long as we continue to adhere to the Aesirian Code of Nine. Thriving, prospering, and brandishing are key attributes of this. All members of the folk need to flourish at the individual level – personal, professional, and spiritual. This single individual point of success will grow to include the family, and from there the community, until the entire folk nation is unbound and reaching their potential and beyond. Not only is this expected, it is right and one part of one’s duty. To fail in this is to erode the fabric of the folkish nation.

 Flourishing across and throughout the folkish nation strengthens it in the face of all manner of threats, tangible or intangible, internal or external, personal or communal. Doing so strengthens the ties that bind the nation and forms a shield and demonstrates the capability, capacity, and potential of each member and ensures the survival of our heritage and traditions.


Live long and prosper, go beyond your growth potential. Flourish in all things. This is the Aesirian way.


Examining the Aesirian Code: Knowledge


Thoughts on Good & Evil