
By Gothi Blaine Qualls

Oftentimes I see people lamenting the lack of "good" men or "good" women. They turn to every magazine article or social media guru to try to make sense of the loss of values in people today. I don't really understand why we would look to strangers for advice.... Why we would seek answers in the words of someone we don't even know.

The truth is we have the answers in the lore of our ancestors. We have everything needed, as far as advice, in the words of our own distant kith and kin. The values, morals, ways of living and being are all there for anyone willing to seek them out. They may be truths most don't want to hear, but usually the harsh truth is the best lesson. 

   Once a family has been formed or a clan created then the most basic way of understanding roles is that a man's role is to protect and provide for his Innangard(his family and his clan or kindred)no matter what, whereas a woman's primary function is to build that innangard into something positive and good. A man provides the resources and the security. A woman turns those resources into sustenance and that security into a loving home..... a true innangard. Treating each other like garbage builds nothing; lying, cheating, or worse only destroys any prospect of creating an innangard. The innangard, the family..... the clan, and creating and sustaining them, should come before anything else. 

   The utangard is merely a place where a man earns a living. A necessary evil if you will. And once one is done with whatever necessary interactions with the utangard you leave it, and all of its ills, behind. The innangard is all important, the primary focus. Without our innangard(our family and clan) we become lost, troubled souls. The utangard offers much in the way of material things, things you really don't need but that you are made to believe you do. And as the utangard takes more and more of a hold you lose yourself. Drugs, alcohol, video games and whatever else help you to fill the longing void inside, but they are merely a temporary fix. Without the innangard we are lost. Our heart knows this fact even while the brain is being flooded with ever more messages to the contrary from the utangard.

                      NO MORE!!!


   The only way we will find good folk is within an innangard, or those seeking to build an innangard...... Only with people of like mind and like spirit. People striving to embrace the ways of a distant time, of a time that has been ripped away from them. People realizing that they must return to and embrace the ways of their noble ancestors and their holy Gods. It is only with a return to the values and traditions of our ancestors that we will begin to see positive change within ourselves and the world around us. It is only with a return to our ancestral ways that we will begin creating a positive future for the generations to come after us.


Unwavering Positivity


The Aesir Bring Order