Unwavering Positivity
By Gothi Kevin Long
We currently live in a world of mundane challenges and at times chaos. We unlike our abrahamic counterparts, do not view this realm in a ‘world rejecting lens’, rather we view it as ‘world accepting’. What does this mean? We can choose to get stuck on the negativity put out there by most, if not all of modern society who view this world as some sort of ‘punishment’ before they reach their ‘heaven’ by bending a knee, begging for forgiveness, and declaring allegiance to a controlling foreign prophet. Or, we can choose quite the opposite. We can continue to reclaim our inherent freedoms and remain positive, embracing the natural beauty of Midgard and all of her ‘faults’. We should reject the idea that we must have some sort of reaction to anything that is projected at us by outsiders in the Utangard. Anything that is negative or negates any sort of purpose to us furthering our goals as individuals and as a people is truly the mundane.
We should live harmoniously with one another in our homes and among our folk when we gather, whether it be in our sacred circles, get togethers, kindred activities, etc. We should gather and focus on what really matters; the survival and betterment of our folk including growing as a tribe and as individuals in all aspects of our spirituality, our mentality, and our physicality. We should embrace this dimension we are currently living in. It has so much to teach us. There is a wealth of knowledge out there ripe for the taking! Why focus on anything else?
The only thing we truly ‘own’ and have power over in this world is the control and actions of ourselves. You can choose to waste energy and react to things out of your control. You can choose to give someone a reaction to something that is said or posted. A reaction they hope to get, giving them some sort of narcissistic win. You can choose to become a slave of modern day demands and expectations. Or, you can walk like our gods and ancestors did. Walk with nobility and focus on the only thing that matters in this world; your family, your folk and tribe, your gods, your goddesses, and your ancestors.
I’m not saying be passive or let people walk all over you either. Know your battles and when you need to react. There is nothing more powerful than someone who has the ability to produce violence but has total control on when those actions are ultimately necessary. Beware of those who wish you ill will, always, just don’t dwell on them.
Leave the negativity to the trolls and those who look in the mirror and know the truth about who they actually see. There is a lot of beauty in this world, in our folk, in our culture, in nature, the list goes on, embrace it! We are only here for a short while before we travel onto the next dimension. Let our focus stay Tru to ourselves, our Gods, our Goddesses, our Ancestors, and our folk! Let us walk around with nothing but unwavering positivity! Let us continue in the forward direction and leave a better world to our descendants and our future descendants.
We are future ancestors, leave a legacy that is boasted about in our descendant’s blot’s and sumbel’s!
-Goði Kevin Long of The TrúFolk Kindred